

    The third refuge is in Puntea Lupului / Farkaspalló,  a remote and small village in the Ghimeș / Gyímes region. This time, the detailed planning and the on-site assistance was carried out by 4ZET Architecture studio (Várday Zsolt and Várday Kinga). This version of the prototype is on a flat terrain, without the hill addition and with slightly different finishing materials. As we know, unfortunately, the execution went on in quite a hurry and without the sufficient care from the construction team.  

    Similar project to the reception hut models. Nature reserve area for daffodils. The building is an openable stage / shelter for cultural events and wildlife camps. Simple volume inspired by nearby isolated barns. + open-minded client (the mayor), inspiring and beautiful context – complicated and long funding procedure; supervision and maintenance administration unsolved for these remote locations; some details gone wrong during construction

    A second refuge (after Tomești) was built in Cârța / Csíkkarcfalva with the help of European tourism development funds. It is a slightly bigger, upgraded version of the prototype, it has restrooms, showers, sewage-water treatment station, surveillance system, photovoltaic panels. This time the roof ridge has been layed parallel to the nearby hillside  and the ground floor functions have been  partially sunk into this stabilized natural shelter. The site is at a former rural bath (Madicsa), a couple of kms distance from the village, it still has a mineral water spring, used mainly by locals, and it serves as a place for regional events, thematic camps, […]

    Rural tourism development funds application feasibility study collaboration for the Szekler region. A type-building has been developed due to short time for application: same timber structure, functional variety under same roof for each of the 8 locations (so far). One has already been built, in Csíkszenttamás / TomeŞti, Harghita county, co-funded by the local administration, County Council, and the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. + wooden type-building experience, gets built more or less according to plans – lack of time at pilot project; supervision and maintenance administration unsolved for these remote locations

    2008/2009 feasibility study, converting a flat neighbourhood heating plant into an integrated social centre. Went through the evaluation and clarifications process and a financing agreement has been reached between the local administration and the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. Building starts in 2011. + due to E.U. funding and control procedures, it’s built according to plans – however, we were allowed 10 days for the execution project and related paperwork