

    Our first passive house design experience, and also as it turned to be, one of the firsts in Transylvania. Despite difficult orientation, panorama, topography and harsh climate conditions, after several versions, the final layout still managed to be compact, articulated, playfull reaching the passive house parameters and the client’s needs. + consistent documenting/learning process, good collaboration with PHPP specialist – very long construction, some materials proved to be not the best choice

    The third refuge is in Puntea Lupului / Farkaspalló,  a remote and small village in the Ghimeș / Gyímes region. This time, the detailed planning and the on-site assistance was carried out by 4ZET Architecture studio (Várday Zsolt and Várday Kinga). This version of the prototype is on a flat terrain, without the hill addition and with slightly different finishing materials. As we know, unfortunately, the execution went on in quite a hurry and without the sufficient care from the construction team.  
  • T HOUSE 127

    Type housing, “model 127” developed in collaboration with Weberbau building company. Home designed for a family with many children, fully equipped living space and personal spaces included.
  • T HOUSE 126

    Rural tourism development funds application feasibility study collaboration for the Szekler region. A type-building has been developed due to short time for application: same timber structure, functional variety under same roof for each of the 8 locations (so far). One has already been built, in Csíkszenttamás / TomeŞti, Harghita county, co-funded by the local administration, County Council, and the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. + wooden type-building experience, gets built more or less according to plans – lack of time at pilot project; supervision and maintenance administration unsolved for these remote locations
  • T HOUSE 105

    Type housing, “model 105” developed in collaboration with Weberbau building company. Suitable for small plots, twin houses or row house layout.
  • T HOUSE 88

    Type housing, “model 88” developed in collaboration with Weberbau building company. Compact model, most efficient plot usage despite its interior space qualities.